어린이, 청소년 웨스트민스터 소요리문답 교재 (43) 106-107문 [주기도의 여섯 번째 간구는 무엇을 구하는 것입니까? 주기도의 결론은 무엇을 가르쳐 줍니까?]

 여호와여주는 항상 의로우신 분이시지만 우리는 오늘날 수치를 당하는 사람들이 되었습니다유다와 예루살렘에 사는 자들과 여러 나라에 흩어져 사는 모든 이스라엘 사람들이 수치를 당하고 있는 것은 우리가 다 주께 신실하지 못했기 때문입니다이와 같이 우리가 다 주께 범죄하였으므로 우리의 왕들과 관리들과 우리 조상들까지 수치를 당하고 있습니다우리가 비록 주를 거역하였습니다만 우리의 하나님이 되시는 주는 자비로우시고 용서하시는 분이십니다.(단 9:7~9/ 현대인의 성경)

Q. 106. What do we pray for in the sixth request?

In the sixth request (which is, And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one) we pray that God would either keep us from being tempted to sin,[a] or support and deliver us when we are tempted.[b]

[a]. Psa 19:13;   Mat 26:41;   John 17:15
[b]. Luk 22:31-32;   1 Cor 10:13;   2 Cor 12:7-9;   Heb 2:18

Comment on Q. 106.
God does not directly tempt any person (James 1:13) since he is pure and holy. However, God is in sovereign control of all things and so we can be brought into situations where Satan and our own evil hearts can tempt us (James 1:14). Now we must never think lightly of temptation, and we need to avoid situations where we may fall into sin. Hence this request.


Q. 107. What does the conclusion attached to the Lord’s Prayer teach us?*

The conclusion attached to the Lord’s Prayer (which is, For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory for ever, Amen) teaches us to take our encouragement in prayer from God only,[a] and in our prayers to praise him, ascribing kingdom, power and glory to him.[b] And in testimony of our desire and assurance to be heard, we say, Amen.[c]

* The conclusion does not appear in Luke’s record of the Lord’s Prayer (Luke 11), and it is omitted in several important Greek manuscripts of Matthew 6. However, it is a perfectly scriptural kind of conclusion – see the texts cited.

[a]. Dan 9:4, 7-9, 16-19;   Luk 18:1, 7-8
[b]. 1 Chr 29:10-13;   1 Tim 1:17;   Rev 5:11-13
[c]. 1 Cor 14:16;   Rev 22:20

Comment on Q. 107.
The word amen is from a Hebrew root word meaning stability, and could be translated: So be it!

Let us ensure that we carry through into every area of life the meaning of this conclusion. Let us endeavour to render to God his rights in everything we do. Remember the first catechism: The chief purpose for which man is made is to glorify God and to enjoy him for ever.



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