어린이, 청소년 웨스트민스터 소요리문답 교재 (37) 88-90문 [그리스도께서 구속의 유익을 우리에게 전달하시는 데 사용하시는 외적인 수단은 무엇입니까? 말씀은 어떻게 구원에 효력이 됩니까? 말씀을 어떻게 읽고 들어야 구원에 효력이 있습니까?]

The Means of Grace : The Word of God – Questions 89-90


Q. 89. How is the Word of God made effective to salvation?

The Spirit of God makes the reading, but especially the preaching of the Word, an effective means of convincing and converting sinners, and building them up in holiness and comfort, through faith, to salvation.[a]

[a]. Neh 8:8-9;   Acts 20:32;   Rom 10:14-17;   2 Tim 3:15-17


Q. 90. How is the Word to be read and heard, that it may become effective to salvation?

We must attend to the Word with diligence, preparation and prayer,[a] receive it with faith and love, lay it up in our hearts, and practise it in our lives,[b] so that it may become effective to salvation.

[a]. Deu 6:16-18;   Psa 119:18;   1 Pet 2:1-2
[b]. Psa 119:11;   2 Thes 2:10;   Heb 4:2;   Jas 1:22-25

Comment on Q. 90.
Many people read the Bible but do not gain help from it because they do not put time or effort into it, nor do they seek God’s help to understand and obey its teaching. This is to be like the person who wants to pass an exam without preparing for it. Do not be like that!



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