골로새서 1-4장 [새번역] Epistle to the Colossians [그리스도 안에서 온전한 사람으로 세우기 위하여 모든 ...

Author, Date, and Recipients
The apostle Paul wrote this letter to Christians living in the small city of Colossae. It was probably written c. A.D. 62, while Paul was in prison in Rome (Acts 27–28). This was about the same time he wrote Ephesians and Philemon. All three letters were sent with Tychicus and Onesimus.

Christ is Lord over all of creation, including the invisible realm. He has redeemed his people, enabling them to participate in his death, resurrection, and fullness.

Purpose, Occasion, and Background
A dangerous teaching was threatening the church at Colossae, one that lessened Christ’s role and undermined the new identity of believers “in Christ” (1:2, 28). Paul wrote to warn against this false teaching and to encourage the believers in their growth toward Christian maturity. He emphasizes Christ’s authority over all evil powers. Christians are united with the risen Christ, and therefore they share in his power and authority. Paul also encourages these believers to fight against sin, pursue holiness, and live as distinctively Christian households.

Key Themes
Jesus Christ is preeminent over all creation, Lord over all human rulers and cosmic powers (
1:15–20; 2:9–10; 3:1).
God has acted through Christ to secure redemption and reconciliation for all who put their faith in him (
1:13–14, 20–22).
Believers are in Christ, and so they share in Christ’s death, resurrection, new life, and his fullness (2:9–14; 3:1–4).
Christ has defeated the powers of darkness on the cross. Christians share in his power and authority over that realm (
2:10, 15; see also 2:8, 20).
Jesus is the fulfillment of Jewish expectation. Christians share in the heritage of the old covenant people of God through their union with him (
1:12, 21–22, 27).
Believers are called to grow in spiritual maturity by getting rid of sinful practices and developing Christian virtues (
1:10–12, 28; 3:1–4:6).
Greeting (1:1–2)
Thanksgiving (1:3–8)
Prayer (1:9–14)
Praise to Christ (
Reconciliation to God (
Paul’s Labor for the Gospel (
The Dangerous Teaching at Colossae (2:4–23)
The Proper Focus: Christ and the Life Above (3:1–4)
Instructions on Living the Christian Life (3:5–4:6)
Personal Greetings and Instructions (4:7–17)
Closing (
The Setting of Colossians
c. A.D. 62
Paul wrote his letter to the Colossians while in prison, probably in Rome. The church at Colossae was likely established during Paul’s third missionary journey as he ministered for three years in Ephesus. It appears that Paul did not personally plant the church there, but instead a Colossian named Epaphras traveled to Ephesus, responded to Paul’s gospel message, and returned to share the good news in Colossae.
(1) 그리스도의 탁월성
바울은 골로새 교인들의 믿음, 사랑, 소망에 대해서 감사했다(골1:4, 5). 그리스도의 아버지와의 관계는 그런 보이지 않는 하나님의 보이시는 표현이시며(골
1:13, 14) 우주 와의 관계는 그리스도는 우주에 있는 모든 물건의 창조자이시며(골1:15-17), 또한 교회 와의 관계는 그리스도는 교회의 머리시며 만물의 화해자이시다(골1:18-20). 그리스도 안에서 하나님의 모든 완전하심이 있고 각 사람을 그리스도 안에서 완전한 자로 세우려는 이것 때문에 그리스도의 사도들은 수고하는 것이다.
(2) 교리에 있어서의 그리스도의 탁월성

거짓 철학이나(골2:8-15), 거짓 예배나(골
2:16-19)그리고 거짓 금욕주의(골2:20-3:4)에 속지 말아야한다.
그리스도 인은 이미 그리스도 안에서 자유롭게 되었으므로 또다시 어떠한 형식이나 의식에 종이 되지 말아야 하며 또 그리스도인은 그리스도로 말미암 아 완전히 구원 받았다는 사실을 확인하고 오직 위에 있는 것만을 찾으라는 것이다.
(3) 윤리에 있어서의 그리스도의 탁월성

새 사람이 된 그리스도인은 먼저 소극적으로는 옛 생활을 지배하던 죄와 습관을 벗어 버리고(골3:5-11), 적극적으로는 그리스도인 다운 덕행과 사랑과 완전함으로 새 옷을 입어야 한다(골
3:18-4:1). 또한 일반적으로는 일상 생활에 있어서 감사와 기도로 하고 외인에 대하여서는 모든 기회를 전도에 이용해야한다(골4:2-6).

(4) 결 론

바울이 옥중에서 만난 동역자들을 소개하여 이 서신을 근방 교회에 회람할 것을 부탁 하고 있다.


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

찬송: 예수 귀하신 이름 / 성경 읽기: 창세기 23장, 마태복음 22장, 사도행전 22장 / 설교: 사라의 죽음, 성령의 보증 ...

Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.