2023년 2월 19일 주일 설교/여러분, 이제 제가 권합니다. 용기를 내십시오. 이 배만 잃을 뿐 여러분 중에는 한 사람도 목숨...
바울이 로마로 호송됨
1. 우리가 이탈리아로 배를 타고 가도록 결정이 나자 바울과 다른 죄수들은 황제 부대에 소속된 율리오라는 백부장에게 넘겨졌습니다.
2. 우리는 아시아 지방의 해변을 따라 항해하게 될 아드라뭇데노 호를 타고 바다로 출항했습니다. 데살로니가 출신의 마케도니아 사람 아리스다고가 우리와 동행했습니다.
3. 이튿날 우리는 시돈에 닿았습니다. 율리오는 바울에게 친절을 베풀어 그가 친구들에게 가서 필요한 것을 공급받을 수 있도록 허락해 주었습니다.
4. 시돈에서 우리가 계속 항해할 때 역풍이 불었기에 우리는 키프로스 해안을 끼고 항해하게 됐습니다.
5. 길리기아와 밤빌리아 앞바다를 지나서 루기아 지방의 무라에 상륙했습니다.
6. 그곳에서 백부장은 이탈리아로 가는 알렉산드리아 호를 찾아 우리를 그 배에 태웠습니다.
7. 우리는 여러 날 동안 느린 항해 끝에 가까스로 니도 앞바다에 도착했습니다. 그러나 바람이 불어 우리 항로를 지키지 못하고 살모네 맞은편 크레타 섬을 끼고
8. 간신히 해안가를 따라 움직여 라새아 도시에서 가까운 ‘아름다운 항구’라는 곳에 이르렀습니다.
9. 많은 시간이 소모되고 금식하는 절기도 지났기 때문에 항해가 위험해졌습니다. 그래서 바울이 사람들에게 충고했습니다.
10. “여러분, 내가 보니 우리가 이렇게 계속 항해하다가는 재난에 빠지고 배와 짐이 큰 손실을 입을 뿐 아니라 우리 목숨도 위태로울 것입니다.”
11. 그러나 백부장은 바울의 말보다는 선장과 선주의 말을 더 따랐습니다.
12. 그 항구는 겨울을 나기에 적당하지 않았기 때문에 대다수의 사람들이 뵈닉스에 가서 겨울을 날 수 있기를 바라는 마음에 계속 항해하자고 했습니다. 뵈닉스는 크레타 섬에 있는 항구 도시로 남서쪽과 북서쪽을 향하고 있었습니다.
유라굴로 폭풍
13. 부드러운 남풍이 불기 시작하자 그들은 자기들이 바라던 대로 됐다고 생각했습니다. 그래서 그들은 닻을 올리고 크레타 섬 해안을 따라 항해했습니다.
14. 그런데 얼마 지나지 않아 그 섬으로부터 ‘유라굴로’라는 태풍이 불어 닥쳤습니다.
15. 배가 폭풍에 휘말려 방향을 잡을 수가 없었습니다. 그래서 우리는 배가 가는 대로 내맡기고 표류하다가
16. 가우다라는 작은 섬 아래쪽을 따라 지나면서 간신히 거룻배를 바로잡을 수 있었습니다.
17. 선원들은 그 배를 끌어올리고 아래로 밧줄을 내려 보내 선체를 둘러맸습니다. 그대로 가다가는 배가 스르디스 해안의 모래 언덕에 처박힐까 두려워 그들은 닻을 내려 배가 표류하게 했습니다.
18. 우리는 폭풍에 몹시 시달리다 못해 이튿날에는 선원들이 짐을 바다에 던져 넣기 시작했습니다.
19. 3일째 되는 날에는 선원들이 배의 장비들을 자기들의 손으로 내던졌습니다.
20. 여러 날 동안 해와 별도 나타나지 않고 폭풍만 계속 불어 닥치자 결국 우리는 구조될 모든 소망을 포기했습니다.
21. 사람들이 오랫동안 아무것도 먹지 못하고 있는 가운데 바울이 일어나 그들 앞에 서서 말했습니다. “여러분, 크레타 섬에서 항해하지 말라는 내 충고를 들었더라면 이런 타격과 손실은 입지 않았을 것입니다.
22. 그러나 이제 내가 여러분에게 당부합니다. 여러분 가운데 아무도 목숨을 잃지 않고 배만 손상될 것이니 안심하기 바랍니다.
23. 어젯밤 내 하나님, 곧 내가 섬기는 하나님의 천사가 내 곁에 서서
24. ‘바울아, 두려워 마라. 네가 마땅히 가이사 앞에 서야 한다. 그래서 하나님께서 너와 함께 항해하는 모든 사람들의 생명을 네게 맡겨 주셨다’라고 하셨습니다.
25. 그러니 여러분, 안심하십시오. 내가 하나님을 믿으니 내게 말씀하신 대로 이뤄질 것입니다.
26. 그러나 우리는 밀려서 어느 섬에 닿게 될 것입니다.”
배의 파선
27. 14일째 되는 날 밤에 우리는 아드리아 바다 위에서 표류하고 있었습니다. 한밤중이 됐을 때 선원들은 뭍에 가까이 왔음을 직감했습니다.
28. 수심을 재어 보니 물의 깊이가 약 20오르귀아였습니다. 조금 있다가 다시 재어 보니 약 15오르귀아였습니다.
29. 우리가 암초에 부딪히게 될까 두려워 선원들은 고물에서 네 개의 닻을 내리고 날이 밝기만을 바랐습니다.
30. 그런데 선원들은 도망칠 속셈으로 뱃머리에서 닻을 내리는 척하면서 거룻배를 바다에 띄웠습니다.
31. 그때 바울이 백부장과 군인들에게 말했습니다. “이 사람들이 배 안에 같이 있지 않으면 당신들도 구조되지 못할 것이오.”
32. 그러자 군인들은 거룻배에 묶여 있던 밧줄을 끊어 거룻배를 떼어 버렸습니다.
33. 날이 밝아 올 무렵 바울은 그들 모두에게 무엇이든 먹어 두라고 권하며 말했습니다. “지난 14일 동안 여러분은 계속 마음을 졸이면서 아무것도 먹지 못하고 굶고 지냈습니다.
34. 그러므로 이제는 여러분이 음식을 좀 먹어 둘 것을 권합니다. 그래야 살아남을 수 있습니다. 여러분 가운데 어느 누구도 머리카락 하나라도 잃지 않을 것입니다.”
35. 바울은 이렇게 말한 뒤 떡을 조금 가져다가 모든 사람들 앞에서 하나님께 감사한 후 떼어먹기 시작했습니다.
36. 그러자 모든 사람들도 용기를 얻어 음식을 먹었습니다.
37. 배 안에 있던 사람은 모두 276명이었습니다.
38. 그들은 배부르게 먹고 난 뒤 남은 식량을 바다에 던져 배를 가볍게 해 두었습니다.
39. 날이 밝자 어떤 땅인지는 모르지만 그들은 모래사장이 펼쳐진 해안을 볼 수 있었습니다. 그들은 가능한 한 그곳에 배를 대기로 작정했습니다.
40. 그래서 닻을 끊어 바다에 버리고 키를 묶은 밧줄을 늦추었습니다. 그러고 나서 앞 돛을 끌어올려 바람에 맡기고 해안 쪽으로 배를 몰았습니다.
41. 그러나 배가 모래 언덕에 부딪혀 좌초됐습니다. 두 물살이 합쳐지는 곳에 걸리는 바람에 뱃머리는 꽉 박혀 옴짝달싹도 하지 않았고 배 뒤쪽은 거센 파도 때문에 깨어졌습니다.
42. 군인들은 죄수들이 헤엄쳐 도망가지 못하도록 죽일 계획이었습니다.
43. 그러나 백부장은 바울의 목숨을 살려 줄 생각에 군인들의 뜻을 막았습니다. 그는 수영할 수 있는 사람은 물에 먼저 뛰어들어 육지로 올라가라고 명령했습니다.
44. 남은 사람들은 널빤지나 부서진 배 조각을 붙잡고 나가도록 했습니다. 이렇게 해서 모든 사람이 무사히 육지로 구출됐습니다.
1. When it was decided that we would sail for Italy, Paul and some other prisoners were handed over to a centurion named Julius, who belonged to the Imperial Regiment.
2. We boarded a ship from Adramyttium about to sail for ports along the coast of the province of Asia, and we put out to sea. Aristarchus, a Macedonian from Thessalonica, was with us.
3. The next day we landed at Sidon; and Julius, in kindness to Paul, allowed him to go to his friends so they might provide for his needs.
4. From there we put out to sea again and passed to the lee of Cyprus because the winds were against us.
5. When we had sailed across the open sea off the coast of Cilicia and Pamphylia, we landed at Myra in Lycia.
6. There the centurion found an Alexandrian ship sailing for Italy and put us on board.
7. We made slow headway for many days and had difficulty arriving off Cnidus. When the wind did not allow us to hold our course, we sailed to the lee of Crete, opposite Salmone.
8. We moved along the coast with difficulty and came to a place called Fair Havens, near the town of Lasea.
9. Much time had been lost, and sailing had already become dangerous because by now it was after the Fast. So Paul warned them,
10. "Men, I can see that our voyage is going to be disastrous and bring great loss to ship and cargo, and to our own lives also."
11. But the centurion, instead of listening to what Paul said, followed the advice of the pilot and of the owner of the ship.
12. Since the harbor was unsuitable to winter in, the majority decided that we should sail on, hoping to reach Phoenix and winter there. This was a harbor in Crete, facing both southwest and northwest.
13. When a gentle south wind began to blow, they thought they had obtained what they wanted; so they weighed anchor and sailed along the shore of Crete.
14. Before very long, a wind of hurricane force, called the "northeaster," swept down from the island.
15. The ship was caught by the storm and could not head into the wind; so we gave way to it and were driven along.
16. As we passed to the lee of a small island called Cauda, we were hardly able to make the lifeboat secure.
17. When the men had hoisted it aboard, they passed ropes under the ship itself to hold it together. Fearing that they would run aground on the sandbars of Syrtis, they lowered the sea anchor and let the ship be driven along.
18. We took such a violent battering from the storm that the next day they began to throw the cargo overboard.
19. On the third day, they threw the ship's tackle overboard with their own hands.
20. When neither sun nor stars appeared for many days and the storm continued raging, we finally gave up all hope of being saved.
21. After the men had gone a long time without food, Paul stood up before them and said: "Men, you should have taken my advice not to sail from Crete; then you would have spared yourselves this damage and loss.
22. But now I urge you to keep up your courage, because not one of you will be lost; only the ship will be destroyed.
23. Last night an angel of the God whose I am and whom I serve stood beside me
24. and said, `Do not be afraid, Paul. You must stand trial before Caesar; and God has graciously given you the lives of all who sail with you.'
25. So keep up your courage, men, for I have faith in God that it will happen just as he told me.
26. Nevertheless, we must run aground on some island."
27. On the fourteenth night we were still being driven across the Adriatic Sea, when about midnight the sailors sensed they were approaching land.
28. They took soundings and found that the water was a hundred and twenty feet deep. A short time later they took soundings again and found it was ninety feet deep.
29. Fearing that we would be dashed against the rocks, they dropped four anchors from the stern and prayed for daylight.
30. In an attempt to escape from the ship, the sailors let the lifeboat down into the sea, pretending they were going to lower some anchors from the bow.
31. Then Paul said to the centurion and the soldiers, "Unless these men stay with the ship, you cannot be saved."
32. So the soldiers cut the ropes that held the lifeboat and let it fall away.
33. Just before dawn Paul urged them all to eat. "For the last fourteen days," he said, "you have been in constant suspense and have gone without food -- you haven't eaten anything.
34. Now I urge you to take some food. You need it to survive. Not one of you will lose a single hair from his head."
35. After he said this, he took some bread and gave thanks to God in front of them all. Then he broke it and began to eat.
36. They were all encouraged and ate some food themselves.
37. Altogether there were 276 of us on board.
38. When they had eaten as much as they wanted, they lightened the ship by throwing the grain into the sea.
39. When daylight came, they did not recognize the land, but they saw a bay with a sandy beach, where they decided to run the ship aground if they could.
40. Cutting loose the anchors, they left them in the sea and at the same time untied the ropes that held the rudders. Then they hoisted the foresail to the wind and made for the beach.
41. But the ship struck a sandbar and ran aground. The bow stuck fast and would not move, and the stern was broken to pieces by the pounding of the surf.
42. The soldiers planned to kill the prisoners to prevent any of them from swimming away and escaping.
43. But the centurion wanted to spare Paul's life and kept them from carrying out their plan. He ordered those who could swim to jump overboard first and get to land.
44. The rest were to get there on planks or on pieces of the ship. In this way everyone reached land in safety.
1. ως δε εκριθη του αποπλειν ημας εις την ιταλιαν παρεδιδουν τον τε παυλον και τινας ετερους δεσμωτας εκατονταρχη ονοματι ιουλιω σπειρης σεβαστης
2. επιβαντες δε πλοιω αδραμυττηνω μελλοντες πλειν τους κατα την ασιαν τοπους ανηχθημεν οντος συν ημιν αρισταρχου μακεδονος θεσσαλονικεως
3. τη τε ετερα κατηχθημεν εις σιδωνα φιλανθρωπως τε ο ιουλιος τω παυλω χρησαμενος επετρεψεν προς τους φιλους πορευθεντα επιμελειας τυχειν
4. κακειθεν αναχθεντες υπεπλευσαμεν την κυπρον δια το τους ανεμους ειναι εναντιους
5. το τε πελαγος το κατα την κιλικιαν και παμφυλιαν διαπλευσαντες κατηλθομεν εις μυρα της λυκιας
6. κακει ευρων ο εκατονταρχος πλοιον αλεξανδρινον πλεον εις την ιταλιαν ενεβιβασεν ημας εις αυτο
7. εν ικαναις δε ημεραις βραδυπλοουντες και μολις γενομενοι κατα την κνιδον μη προσεωντος ημας του ανεμου υπεπλευσαμεν την κρητην κατα σαλμωνην
8. μολις τε παραλεγομενοι αυτην ηλθομεν εις τοπον τινα καλουμενον καλους λιμενας ω εγγυς ην πολις λασαια
9. ικανου δε χρονου διαγενομενου και οντος ηδη επισφαλους του πλοος δια το και την νηστειαν ηδη παρεληλυθεναι παρηνει ο παυλος
10. λεγων αυτοις ανδρες θεωρω οτι μετα υβρεως και πολλης ζημιας ου μονον του φορτου και του πλοιου αλλα και των ψυχων ημων μελλειν εσεσθαι τον πλουν
11. ο δε εκατονταρχος τω κυβερνητη και τω ναυκληρω επειθετο μαλλον η τοις υπο του παυλου λεγομενοις
12. ανευθετου δε του λιμενος υπαρχοντος προς παραχειμασιαν οι πλειους εθεντο βουλην αναχθηναι κακειθεν ειπως δυναιντο καταντησαντες εις φοινικα παραχειμασαι λιμενα της κρητης βλεποντα κατα λιβα και κατα χωρον
13. υποπνευσαντος δε νοτου δοξαντες της προθεσεως κεκρατηκεναι αραντες ασσον παρελεγοντο την κρητην
14. μετ ου πολυ δε εβαλεν κατ αυτης ανεμος τυφωνικος ο καλουμενος ευροκλυδων
15. συναρπασθεντος δε του πλοιου και μη δυναμενου αντοφθαλμειν τω ανεμω επιδοντες εφερομεθα
16. νησιον δε τι υποδραμοντες καλουμενον κλαυδην μολις ισχυσαμεν περικρατεις γενεσθαι της σκαφης
17. ην αραντες βοηθειαις εχρωντο υποζωννυντες το πλοιον φοβουμενοι τε μη εις την συρτιν εκπεσωσιν χαλασαντες το σκευος ουτως εφεροντο
18. σφοδρως δε χειμαζομενων ημων τη εξης εκβολην εποιουντο
19. και τη τριτη αυτοχειρες την σκευην του πλοιου ερριψαμεν
20. μητε δε ηλιου μητε αστρων επιφαινοντων επι πλειονας ημερας χειμωνος τε ουκ ολιγου επικειμενου λοιπον περιηρειτο πασα ελπις του σωζεσθαι ημας
21. πολλης δε ασιτιας υπαρχουσης τοτε σταθεις ο παυλος εν μεσω αυτων ειπεν εδει μεν ω ανδρες πειθαρχησαντας μοι μη αναγεσθαι απο της κρητης κερδησαι τε την υβριν ταυτην και την ζημιαν
22. και τα νυν παραινω υμας ευθυμειν αποβολη γαρ ψυχης ουδεμια εσται εξ υμων πλην του πλοιου
23. παρεστη γαρ μοι τη νυκτι ταυτη αγγελος του θεου ου ειμι ω και λατρευω
24. λεγων μη φοβου παυλε καισαρι σε δει παραστηναι και ιδου κεχαρισται σοι ο θεος παντας τους πλεοντας μετα σου
25. διο ευθυμειτε ανδρες πιστευω γαρ τω θεω οτι ουτως εσται καθ ον τροπον λελαληται μοι
26. εις νησον δε τινα δει ημας εκπεσειν
27. ως δε τεσσαρεσκαιδεκατη νυξ εγενετο διαφερομενων ημων εν τω αδρια κατα μεσον της νυκτος υπενοουν οι ναυται προσαγειν τινα αυτοις χωραν
28. και βολισαντες ευρον οργυιας εικοσι βραχυ δε διαστησαντες και παλιν βολισαντες ευρον οργυιας δεκαπεντε
29. φοβουμενοι τε μηπως εις τραχεις τοπους εκπεσωμεν εκ πρυμνης ριψαντες αγκυρας τεσσαρας ηυχοντο ημεραν γενεσθαι
30. των δε ναυτων ζητουντων φυγειν εκ του πλοιου και χαλασαντων την σκαφην εις την θαλασσαν προφασει ως εκ πρωρας μελλοντων αγκυρας εκτεινειν
31. ειπεν ο παυλος τω εκατονταρχη και τοις στρατιωταις εαν μη ουτοι μεινωσιν εν τω πλοιω υμεις σωθηναι ου δυνασθε
32. τοτε οι στρατιωται απεκοψαν τα σχοινια της σκαφης και ειασαν αυτην εκπεσειν
33. αχρι δε ου εμελλεν ημερα γινεσθαι παρεκαλει ο παυλος απαντας μεταλαβειν τροφης λεγων τεσσαρεσκαιδεκατην σημερον ημεραν προσδοκωντες ασιτοι διατελειτε μηδεν προσλαβομενοι
34. διο παρακαλω υμας προσλαβειν τροφης τουτο γαρ προς της υμετερας σωτηριας υπαρχει ουδενος γαρ υμων θριξ εκ της κεφαλης πεσειται
35. ειπων δε ταυτα και λαβων αρτον ευχαριστησεν τω θεω ενωπιον παντων και κλασας ηρξατο εσθιειν
36. ευθυμοι δε γενομενοι παντες και αυτοι προσελαβοντο τροφης
37. ημεν δε εν τω πλοιω αι πασαι ψυχαι διακοσιαι εβδομηκονταεξ
38. κορεσθεντες δε τροφης εκουφιζον το πλοιον εκβαλλομενοι τον σιτον εις την θαλασσαν
39. οτε δε ημερα εγενετο την γην ουκ επεγινωσκον κολπον δε τινα κατενοουν εχοντα αιγιαλον εις ον εβουλευσαντο ει δυναιντο εξωσαι το πλοιον
40. και τας αγκυρας περιελοντες ειων εις την θαλασσαν αμα ανεντες τας ζευκτηριας των πηδαλιων και επαραντες τον αρτεμονα τη πνεουση κατειχον εις τον αιγιαλον
41. περιπεσοντες δε εις τοπον διθαλασσον επωκειλαν την ναυν και η μεν πρωρα ερεισασα εμεινεν ασαλευτος η δε πρυμνα ελυετο υπο της βιας των κυματων
42. των δε στρατιωτων βουλη εγενετο ινα τους δεσμωτας αποκτεινωσιν μη τις εκκολυμβησας διαφυγοι
43. ο δε εκατονταρχος βουλομενος διασωσαι τον παυλον εκωλυσεν αυτους του βουληματος εκελευσεν τε τους δυναμενους κολυμβαν απορριψαντας πρωτους επι την γην εξιεναι
44. και τους λοιπους ους μεν επι σανισιν ους δε επι τινων των απο του πλοιου και ουτως εγενετο παντας διασωθηναι επι την γην
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