January 3 "I will give thee for a covenant of the people" (Isaiah 49: 8). Jesus Christ is Himself the sum and substance of the covenant. As one of its gifts, He is the property of every believer. Believer, can you estimate what you have received in Christ? "In him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily" (Colossians 2: 9). Consider that word "God" and its infinity, and then meditate upon "perfect man" and all his beauty; for all that Christ, as God and man, ever had is yours. Our blessed Jesus, as God, is omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent. Has He power? That power is yours to support and strengthen you, to overcome your enemies, and to preserve you even to the end. Has He love? There is not a drop of love in His heart which is not yours. Has He justice? It may seem a stern attribute, but even that is yours; for He will, by His justice, see to it that all which is promised to you in the covenant of grace will be secured to you. And all that He has as perfect man is yours. As a perfect man the Father's delight was upon Him. He stood accepted by the Most High. O believer, God's acceptance of Christ is your acceptance. Do you know that the love which the Father set on a perfect Christ, He sets on you now? That perfect righteousness which Jesus carefully formed through His stainless life is yours and is imputed to you. Christ is in the covenant.


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