January 12 "Ye are Christ's; and Christ is God's" (1 Corinthians 3: 23). Ye are Christ's. You are His by donation, for the Father gave you to the Son. You were purchased by His blood for He counted the price for your redemption. You are His by dedication, for you have consecrated yourself to Him; His by relation, for you are named by His name, and made one of His brethren and joint-heirs. When tempted to sin, reply, "I cannot do this great wickedness, for I am Christ's." When wealth is before you to be won by sin, say that you are Christ's, and do not touch it. Are you exposed to difficulties and dangers? Stand fast in the evil day, remembering that you are Christ's. Are you placed where others are sitting down idly, doing nothing? Rise to the works with all your powers. When the sweat stands upon your brow, and you are tempted to loiter, cry, "No, I cannot stop, for I am Christ's." When the cause of God invites you, give yourself to it. When the poor need you, give yourself and your good away, for you are Christ's. Always be one of those whose manners are Christian, whose speech is like the Nazarene, whose conduct and conversation is so suggestive of heaven that all who see you will know that you are the Savior's. Let your argument for holiness be, "I am Christ's."


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